föstudagur, janúar 29, 2010

Land Cruiser 100 Dísel til sölu

Þessi annars ágæti bíll er til sölu,

Hann er 205 dísel hestöfl
Ekinn 220.000 km
Tauáklæði, lúga og loftpúðafjöðrun
Smurbók frá upphafi, tímareimaskipti í 150.000 km
33" dekk.
Verð 2.000.000. Ekkert prútt og engin skipti.

mánudagur, janúar 25, 2010

So far So good

Success.  20 days and 3,5 kg gone.  

In my view thats not to bad, considering I have not been working out to the extend that I wanted to.

But now I think I have tweaked the meal plan to the needs of my exercises plan.  And today I will add lifting into the over all running, swimming and "cycling".  (not sure about the cycling though) 

We will see, but my daily exercise for the next few weeks consist of running 10 k twice every day. lifting weights for about 20 minutes.  Swimming and cycling optional until I reach my goal of 89 kg.

Hopefully by 17 of desember I will be around 92-93 kg.

fimmtudagur, janúar 14, 2010

This is not easy

I thought this would be a walk in the park, I really did. Yet so far, all my energy has gone into eating right. I have managed just one 10 k run since sunday and that was barely a run.

I do understand that the body has to get used to the new food program. I just did not anticipate these low energy days.

Lazy is what you might call it, but when I think about it that´s not it. When I ate what ever I wanted I had to go to the gym because my conscious forced me to. Now, it´s almost as I can´t be bothered. And I really need to start running to reach my goal of 85 kg.

I am trying to rectify this problem by tweaking the meal plan, but in the end it boils down to one thing; proteins. I don´t want any artificial meal supplements but I need more proteins.

So if this limp spell does not improve by next sunday, I will boost up the protein and creatine intake and we´ll see what happens, if all fails I´ll try hydroxycut.

Still I feel better about my self, on this diet than I ever did when I ate what ever was in the fridge. Somehow lighter and not as greasy.

Running plan;
Thursday = 10 k run, 20 minutes weights.
Friday = 10 k run.
Saturday = 10 k run, 20 minutes weights.
Sunday = 15 k run.

Monday = 10 k run.
Tuesday = 10 k run. 20 minutes weights.
Thursday off.
Friday = 10 k run.
Saturday = 10 k run.

laugardagur, janúar 09, 2010

Last day of glutony

I sure hope the man upstairs isn't watching.

Had a french chocolate cake, whipped cream, french fries (or freedom fries for lesser minds) lots of Icelandic cocktail-dressing. (I know, I have no imagination) Well thats me.

Now for The Diet plan for the unforeseeable future;


200 grams of skyr (icelandic delicacy). 150 calories
40 grams of strawberries. 35 calories
1 banana. 90 calories
10 grams of blueberries. 4 calories
10 grams of peanuts. 30 calories
Ice-cubes lots of them.

Total of 350 calories.


Bagel, with chess and ham. 450 calories.

Afternoon snack

200 grams of skyr. 150 calories
40 grams of strawberries. 35 calories
1 banana. 90 calories
10 grams of blueberries. 4 calories
10 grams of peanuts. 30 calories
Ice-cubes lots of them.

Total of 350 calories.


Chicken breast (steamed) 200 grams 362 calories
Potatoes/Brown Rice 100 grams 102 calories
Vegetables, (steamed) 100 grams 80 calories
Onion, fried 50 grams 100 grams 80 calories

Total of 1800 calories.

fimmtudagur, janúar 07, 2010

The before and after.

No picture, well maybe. I just haven't thought of it yet. I hate those before and after pictures that are obviously fake, and also those who do not look fake. Although I do have a goal that has nothing to do with health I don´t believe that I should advertise my misguided notion of beauty more than I already have.

The sole purpose of this quest is fitness.

To paint a picture of my current ability and fitness standard. I ran/walked a marathon last year with the pathetic time of 5 hours and 32 minutes.
My current lap times are as followed;
3 k 14 minutes
5 k 26 minutes
10 k under an hour, 57 minutes to be precise.
20 k just over 2 hours. 2 hours and 10 minutes

I know, not good. But these times will drop as soon as the kg will go. I am currently 98 kg (in my mind)

If I do add pictures they will be posted weekly, so no not before and after.

But that is yet to be decided. I have until sunday when this will officially begin.

Marathon man

This is an exercise in futility. But still I soldier on. In an attempt to go from the body shape of the letter "þ" to a letter (which ever stands for fit Brad-escue/Caprio-escue with a hint of Chuck Norris). A strange stereotype I know.

Anyhow. To the problem in hand.

Going from 98 kg to 85 in 26 weeks. Thats 6 1/2 months. 500 grams a week. 71 grams a day.

About 3500 calories a week. 500 a day. So now you know.

The goal is to burn 500 extra calories every frinking day.

Calculation and counting, everything that I eat. No more candy-days until the 1. of july. But I do get 1. day a week to eat what I want, as much as I want. Otherwise, I am told, my stomach will stop functioning correctly and my colon will pass no more.

So two simple rules to follow.

Number one; Put down the fork
Number two; Start running.